

Mythe : Ayn Rand était en faveur de l'égoïsme à tout crin

Many people still think Ayn Rand advocated a take-what-you-want-and-damn-everyone-else kind of selfishness.

May 2, 2011
William Thomas
4 minutes
Free Minds and Free Militaries

March 31, 2003 -- Among the perennial themes in American political life, one of the most crucial is the contest between individualism and

Apr 29, 2011
5 minutes
Revue : "Le saut logique : l'induction en physique

L'induction est la formation de connaissances générales à partir de preuves particulières. Il s'agit d'une induction si vous vous brûlez la main une fois et que, par la suite, vous...

19 avril 2011
8 minutes
The New Open Objectivism

Philosopher Leonard Peikoff, founder of the Ayn Rand Institute, was intimately involved in the thinking and writing that went into The Logic

19 avril 2011
3 minutes
L'unité du corps et de l'esprit

Ayn Rand rejected the dichotomy between mind and body and correlate dichotomies such as theory vs. practice, the moral vs. the practical, reason vs. emotion, and love versus lust.

13 avril 2011
William Thomas
2 minutes
La recherche du bonheur

This program addresses Rand's conception of happiness as an end in itself, including differences in her formulations of that end...

13 avril 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 minutes
Reason vs. Anti-Reason

Ce programme audio aborde la conception du bonheur comme fin en soi chez Rand, y compris les différences dans ses formulations de cette fin...

13 avril 2011
William Thomas
2 minutes
Trade vs. Power

This program addresses Rand's conception of happiness as an end in itself, including differences in her formulations of that end...

13 avril 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 minutes
Producteurs contre pilleurs et parasites

The producers in Atlas Shrugged represent the culmination of Rand's artistic goal to portray the human ideal; and their conflict with looters and parasites is the fullest statement of what she saw as an eternal conflict in human life.

12 avril 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 minutes
Une philosophie pour le 21e siècle

Lorsque Atlas Shrugged a été publié en octobre 1957, il parlait d'un monde très différent du nôtre, du moins en apparence. Dwigh

5 avril 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
10 minutes
The Postmodern Assault on Reason

Stephen Hicks, PhD is The Atlas Society Senior Scholar. He teaches philosophy at Rockford College in Rockford, Illinois.

5 avril 2011
15 minutes
Quelle est la vision objectiviste de la réalité (métaphysique) ?

L'objectivisme considère qu'il n'existe qu'une seule réalité, celle dans laquelle nous vivons. Il est évident que la réalité existe et qu'elle est ce qu'elle est.

5 avril 2011
William Thomas
9 minutes
Freedom of Religion and Freedom to Value

When I say 'capitalism,' I mean a pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the

Apr 2, 2011
6 minutes
Sceptiques et humanistes : Alliés ou ennemis de l'individualisme ?

This past January, hundreds of skeptics and humanists gathered at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas for a three-day conference on “Science in

25 mars 2011
Edward Hudgins
10 minutes
La perfection en deçà de la perfection

Tara Smith’s new book, Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics, is not revolutionary, but it is a thorough and valuable work. Smith’s goal is, first....

24 mars 2011
Shawn E. Klein
7 minutes
Sidebar: Postmodern Fallacies

Postmodern scholars assert the following contradictory claims....

23 mars 2011
2 minutes
Critiques de livres : Verily Verily, Verily, Verily, Life is Not a Dream (La vie n'est pas un rêve)

The fundamental nature of truth was explained by Aristotle in Book IV of his Metaphysics, decisively and unforgettably, in words that are at

21 mars 2011
8 minutes
Privé I : Qui a élu la démocratie ?

Back when I was writing the annual “Lands of Liberty” survey for the magazine Navigator, I would always include in the introduction a justification for evaluating the degree of democratic freedom in a country.

21 mars 2011
Roger Donway
8 mins
Three Myths about Ayn Rand

Fall 2009 -- Those who have for some time followed the decades-long course of Ayn Rand’s growing cultural influence may recall a time when

18 mars 2011
5 minutes
Bobos, Liberaltarians, and Hippies of the Right

“Pretty soon [the young intellectual] will announce that it is time to reject the false choices of both left and right. We must all move

18 mars 2011
10 minutes

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