

U.S. Economic Freedom: Retreat Becomes Rout

Measurement often is the crucial step in understanding—and gaining control—of a complex phenomenon....

Sep 21, 2012
Walter Donway
6 minutes
Vinnie Shrugs

“I feel like I’ve become a government employee without the benefits,” said Vinnie Mazzone, who’s been selling food in Brooklyn for decades..

Sep 21, 2012
2 minutes
Quelques droits qu'une Constitution devrait protéger

Today is Constitution Day, and while the Constitution we inherit from America’s Founders is easy to praise, it doesn’t take much looking to

Sep 18, 2012
Alexander R. Cohen
2 minutes
Bloomberg enlève toute douceur à la vie

Bien au contraire. Il enlève de la douceur à la vie des huit millions de personnes qui vivent à New York. Et je ne parle pas seulement...

14 septembre 2012
2 minutes
Bill Clinton et la DNC : nous sommes tous dans le même bateau

"Pour traiter efficacement nos problèmes, nous devons comprendre, accepter et appliquer une proposition fondamentale et indispensable : ... que nous sommes tous dans la même situation.

10 septembre 2012
2 minutes
Le gouverneur Christie frappe les dépensiers trompés

Avez-vous déjà vu quelqu'un se laisser entraîner par l'alcool, la drogue, le jeu ou une autre obsession et détruire sa famille et ses amis ? Vous avez déjà voulu voir...

30 août 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
NY Authorities Serve Bartender an Injustice Cocktail

According to a lawsuit filed this month , after David Kelleran bounced a check he’d sent to renew his liquor license for one of his two

Aug 23, 2012
2 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
Why Liberals Should Like Ayn Rand

If you are liberal, you want people to be treated as people. You're against racism and against sexism. You are in favor of more immigration

Aug 20, 2012
2 minutes
Dr. Hudgins's 12-Step Cure for Big Government Conservatism

You lost control of the Senate and House for the first time in twelve years and of governorships across the country. President George....

Aug 15, 2012
Edward Hudgins
10 minutes
Energy & Environment: The Moral Battle of Our Day

U.S. House of Representatives, August 8, 2008 -- I am Dr. Edward Hudgins, executive director of The Atlas Society, here in Washington, D.C.

Aug 15, 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Atlas Society dans l'actualité | Paul Ryan, Ayn Rand

Le 30 avril, The Atlas Society a publié un enregistrement audio du représentant Paul Ryan lors d'un événement organisé par TAS en 2005. Dans cet enregistrement, il indique que

13 août 2012
5 minutes
Paul Ryan's Objective Virtues

Now that Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president on the GOP ticket, Ryan’s plan for dealing with the

Aug 11, 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Cronyists Shut Business, Sunder Family, Put Teen Entrepreneur in Homeless Shelter

In Holland, Mich., the law under which Nathan Duszynski's hot-dog cart was shut down has not only blocked the 13-year-old's entrepreneurial

Aug 10, 2012
2 minutes
La FTC réclame une amende à Google alors que le harcèlement se poursuit

Aujourd'hui, la Commission fédérale du commerce - l'une des nombreuses agences gouvernementales, ici et à l'étranger, qui harcèlent l'un des ...

Aug 9, 2012
2 minutes
France Needs Victims

The war between expropriators and producers has taken a wholly expected turn in France. The recently-elected socialist government announced

Aug 9, 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Nationalizing the Financial Industry

When government proposes to nationalize a major industry, it is a loudspeaker blaring the message that the country is abandoning the market

Jul 25, 2012
Walter Donway
10 minutes
Lutte contre les procès relatifs aux vignettes ATM

I'm beginning to think someone has gotten the wrong answer. Recently, I blogged about ATM accessibility rules: The machines must be

Jul 20, 2012
3 minutes

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.