

Your Brain on Unity

President Barack Obama took office promoting the need for the country in general—and policy-makers in particular—to overcome petty

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes
Tax Wars

April 14, 2005 -- As we rush to meet the April 15 deadline to file our tax returns, many fail to realize that those 1040 forms do more than just make us all personally poorer. The tax code is a principal instrument that creates and sustains the politicized, partisan, uncivil, contentious conflict society that so many bemoan.

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Saddam Hussein's Execution

January 4, 2007 -- Saddam Hussein is deservedly dead, hanged as the heinous criminal he was. But the process by which justice was

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Grinding Humans into the Mud

Unfortunately, every Earth Day, even politicians who are not generally known as tree-huggers feel they must pander to the degenerate values

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
2 minutes
Robin des Bois et le Congrès des voleurs

18 avril 2005 -- Le 13 avril, la Chambre des représentants a voté l'abrogation permanente de l'impôt sur les successions. Plus précisément, il s'agit de l'impôt sur les successions.

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes
Le massacre de Londres

July 7, 2005 -- On July 7, hundreds of Londoners were killed or injured in vicious terrorist attacks, and Islamists—the same death-worshipin

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Rejecting the Fetish of United Nations Consensus

Whether one favors the war against Iraq or not, one's attitude towards the United Nations' role is a revealing Rorschach test; those with

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Affirmative Action and Discrimination

October 3, 2003 -- A group of Southern Methodist University students recently taught a lesson in practical philosophy better than those they

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
2 minutes
Les racines de la paix

On September 11, the metaphor of the war of ideas between rational civilization and tribalist barbarism became literal description...

4 avril 2010
Patrick Stephens
5 minutes
Happy Birthday, Ronald Reagan

February 6, 2004 -- Today is the birthday of a great man who, tragically, doesn’t know it. Ronald Reagan is 93 years old, but Alzheimer’s...

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
2 minutes
The Government's Envy Engine

Many Americans understandably are concerned about the Bush administration's proposed Terrorist Information Prevention System, a program to

4 avril 2010
Madeleine Cosman
2 minutes
Why Africa Needs Economic Freedom

As he departed for a tour of Africa, President George W. Bush said the United States rejects "the paternalist notion that treats African

4 avril 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Troquer la sécurité contre la liberté

16 octobre 2001 -- Alors que le Congrès s'apprête à adopter un nouveau projet de loi sur la sécurité et que l'Amérique est confrontée à une menace terrible et insidieuse, il n'y a pas d'autre moyen que de s'attaquer à la question de la sécurité.

31 mars 2010
2 minutes
Prix Nobel d'économie

October 18, 2001 -- The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded on October 10 to three economists whose work might have

31 mars 2010
Donald Cooper
3 minutes
Manifest Destiny, 2001

October 18, 2001 -- “Manifest Destiny” is the term originally created by John L. O’Sullivan in the 1840s to describe America's westward...

31 mars 2010
Joy Bushnell
2 minutes
Jihad Comes to Harvard

June 12, 2002 -- In my Harvard University apartment, overlooking the serene Charles River, I grieve for the Israelis who were murdered last

31 mars 2010
Tal Ben-Shahar
3 minutes
Le clonage humain est une bonne chose pour nous tous

April 3, 2001 -- Last week, Congress began holding hearings on human cloning. Given the highly charged debate that human cloning is likely

31 mars 2010
Patrick Stephens
3 minutes
Quelle est la vision objectiviste du droit et du gouvernement (politique) ?

"Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately

Mar 25, 2010
6 minutes
Government, Yes! Leviathan, No!

Greg Hitt and Jeanne Cummings wrote on the front page of the Wall Street Journal (September 26, 2001): "In just two weeks, the terrorist....

19 mars 2010
5 minutes
Example of Our First President

George Washington unfortunately has become a cliché. For an older generation, he was too often treated as such a mythic figure that it was..

Mar 18, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.