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Roe v. Wade et l'avortement avec Richard Salsman et Robert Tracinski

11 mai 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Richard Salsman and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion on the recent Supreme Court opinion leak along with an Objectivist perspective on Roe v. Wade and abortion.

L'Atlas Society demande à Buck Angel

11 mai 2022
Join our CEO Jennifer Grossman as she speaks with Transsexual activist Buck Angel on the 103rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Transgender activism is a matter of hot debate—from whether biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports and housed in women’s prisons to Governor DeSantis’ Parental Rights in Education bill banning teaching gender identity to young schoolchildren. That's why we've invited Buck Angel to give his nuanced perspective on the issue and to provide a more balanced discussion on the topic. Born biologically female, Buck struggled with gender dysphoria before transitioning a transsexual man. For decades he’s worked to affirm sexual freedom but has a nuanced view of some of what he sees as the excesses of transgender activism today.

Robert Tracinski - Abortion and Roe v. Wade

May 10, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on the philosophical issues involved in abortion and how they might be reflected in the constitutional arguments behind the leaked Supreme Court opinion that is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Richard Salsman - Judge Mizelle's Ruling Against Mask Mandates

May 5, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a discussion about Florida Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s tossing out of the federal mask mandate. Dr. Salsman will also give some preliminary thoughts about the Supreme Court and the recent leak regarding the Roe v. Wade decision.

L'Atlas Society interroge Jacob Mchangama

4 mai 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Danish lawyer Jacob Mchangama for the 102nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks! As a human-rights advocate and social commentator, Jacob Mchangama has recently published his book "Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media" where he describes how free speech appears to be in recession and calls on some of history's greatest philosophers to act as chief witnesses in the defense of free speech today.

Robert Tracinski - Why We Never Learn About Economics

May 3, 2022
Join Senior Fellow, Robert Tracinski, to discuss our current economic struggles, asking the question “what keeps us making the same mistakes about economics and Big Government over and over again?”

Jason Hill - Why Defeating Russia & Defending Ukraine is in America’s National Self Interest Part 2

April 29, 2022
Join Senior Scholar, Dr. Jason Hill for Part 2 of his discussion on how America should conduct its foreign policy. Listen as he explains why energy independence from Russia is mandatory for the West and the USA, arguing that a moral defense of fossil fuels is required to prevent the current dependence on Russian energy.

David Kelley - What is Cognitive Bias?

28 avril 2022
Join Atlas Society Founder, Dr. David Kelley where he will define cognitive biases, discuss why we are vulnerable to them and offer ways to defend our minds against them.

Politique étrangère et militaire égoïste

28 avril 2022
Tout comme l'égoïsme rationnel est la seule éthique appropriée pour guider la vie d'un individu, il est le seul guide éthique approprié pour les relations d'un État avec d'autres États. L'essence de l'Amérique, ce sont ses libertés, ses droits et son système capitaliste ; par conséquent, l'intérêt des États-Unis est de préserver ces valeurs, de ne pas les sacrifier ni les abandonner, surtout pas pour des motifs soi-disant "humanitaires" (altruistes), simplement pour aider des étrangers victimes. Les États-Unis doivent identifier rationnellement leurs alliés et leurs ennemis, puis agir en conséquence. Ils ne doivent jamais assurer la défense nationale d'autres nations qui, pour la plupart, prétendent être souveraines. L'égoïsme rationnel ne justifie ni le pacifisme, ni l'isolationnisme, ni l'impérialisme. L'Amérique ne peut pas préserver son essence ou ses institutions, ni retrouver le moyen de mener et de gagner uniquement les bonnes guerres, sans suivre le principe de l'égoïsme. Elle doit être un parangon moral pour le monde, mais jamais son gendarme.

L'Atlas Society interroge Robert Bryce

April 27, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and energy expert Robert Bryce for the 101st episode of The Atlas Society Asks. As a longtime skeptic of the viability of renewable energy, listen as Robert Bryce discusses his recent book and documentary, along with his analysis of factors contributing to the Texas power crisis during the 2021 winter storm.

Robert Tracinski - Which Way Western Man?

April 26, 2022
Tracinski - A rising faction of the right blames "liberalism" and reason for all of our problems and advocates a return to traditionalism and nationalism. But what does such a traditional society actually look like, and what does the war in Ukraine reveal about the conservative "nationalist" cause?

The Atlas Society Ukraine Discussion avec David Kelley, Richard Salsman et Robert Tracinski

April 22, 2022
Join The Atlas Society for a special discussion on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Listen and Dr. Richard Salsman and Robert Tracinski discuss Objectivist interpretations of America’s foreign policy and their differing opinions in a civil and open manner. Professor Salsman argues that Ukraine does not deserve U.S. help and based on America’s national self-interest it should NOT get involved in the conflict, at present. Robert Tracinski, on the other hand, advances that America should be doing more to curtail a blatantly aggressive Vladimir Putin and provide more assistance for Ukraine. Our founder, Dr. David Kelley, will moderate as the duo will present their understanding of the history that has led up to the current conflict and what foreign policy options should be pursued to bring resolution.

Richard Salsman - "'America First' as Egoistic Foreign Policy"

April 21, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman where Dr. Salsman will propose an alternative to America’s current foreign policy from an egoistic “America First” perspective where America does not act with “humanitarian” (altruistic) motives in service to other countries.

Les universitaires interrogent les universitaires : Richard Salsman s'entretient avec David Kelley

April 20, 2022
Join The Atlas Society Asks for our special 100th episode: Scholars Ask Scholars. Our Senior Scholar and Professor of Economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman, sits down to chat with our founder, Dr. David Kelley to discuss the latter’s reflections on “Open Objectivism,” where he sees room to improve Objectivism as a “movement,” the future of The Atlas Society and more!

Robert Tracinski - Ask Me Anything April 2022

April 19, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special "Ask Me Anything" where Tracinski takes questions from our audience and over 63K Instagram followers on Objectivism, foreign policy, politics, culture, and music.

Jason Hill - Why Defeating Russia & Defending Ukraine is in America’s National Self Interest

April 14, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar, Dr. Jason Hill for a special 2-part discussion on how America should conduct its foreign policy regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Listen in Part 1 where Professor Hill will argue as to why America cannot act as he sees in an isolationist role, and must instead take center stage to defeat Russia, which he accuses of being lead by a maniacal, expansionist, former KGB thug, and war criminal whose goal is rebuilding Great Mother Russia.

L'Atlas Society interroge Johan Anderberg

April 13, 2022
Listen to the 99th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where our CEO Jennifer Grossman and journalist Johan Anderberg discuss his upcoming book "The Herd" and how Sweden has ultimately fared against COVID-19 in comparison to the rest of the world.

Robert Tracinski - Ayn Rand's Case for Property Rights

April 12, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski and his discussion on how the defense of property rights is central to the Objectivist cause for capitalism but is dealt with in a surprisingly cursory fashion in Rand’s philosophical writing. View Full Transcript Episod

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything - April 2022

April 7, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a special "Ask Me Anything" event where Dr. Salsman answers your questions on Objectivism, monetary policy, politics, and more. View Full Transcript

Robert Tracinski - Ayn Rand and the Esthetics of Music

April 5, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski where he will explain Objectivism’s distinctive view on the role and power of art. Listen as Tracinski raises the question, if art is an “imitation of life,” what is music?

L'Atlas Society demande à Isaac Morehouse

March 30, 2022
Join Jennifer Grossman and the founder of Praxis/CEO of Crash, Isaac Morehouse, on the 98th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss homeschooling and alternative education along with how Praxis is working to provide young people the skills needed to get careers without having to go to college.

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.