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The Atlas Society at Liberty Forum

The Atlas Society at Liberty Forum

2 minutes
February 23, 2016

ed hudgins atlas society liberty form

The Atlas Society was again a sponsor this year of the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, which attracted 600 attendees.

Edward Hudgins, the TAS senior scholar, spoke on “Seizing the Moral High Ground to Defeat the Statists,” and offered a positive vision of a prosperous human achievement future. Ed translated six ethical principlesinto arguments that could be used on the political and cultural front lines; you can read about them in his book, The Republican Party’s Civil War: Will Freedom Win? Ed also took questions from the audience and shared information on how to apply the principles to other current controversies. Philosophy is practical.

Ed also discussed the topic of his talk as a guest on Free Talk Live radio, which airs on 164 stations plus through online affiliates. You can listen to the interview at this link starting 21min. 30secs. into the show.

Ed, joined by Manager of Donor Relations George Johnson, engaged with enthusiastic attendees at the TAS conference table and shared information our Atlas Summit, which will be held in July 11-13 in Las Vegas in conjunction with FreedomFest. It’s like a Vegas buffet: one price allows you to feast on both events. The locals were also interested in hearing TAS speakers at PorcFest in New Hampshire in June 19-26. So you have plenty of opportunities in coming months to see TAS in action.

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