

A Romantic Manifesto

Those who love Ayn Rand 's novels have searched, with little result, for works that are similar to Rand's in both ideas and essential

Aug 18, 2010
5 minutes
Le chant d'amour d'Alexander Pope

Lorsque l'on pense à la littérature des Lumières (autre que le nouveau roman), ce qui vient à l'esprit, ce sont des formes autrefois vivantes qui ont sombré dans l'assèchement.

17 août 2010
6 minutes
Mozart's Don Giovanni: An Enlightenment Hero?

When I first encountered Don Giovanni 30 years ago, I was struck by the political, social, and philosophical messages in the work...

Aug 13, 2010
John Kerns
10 minutes
The Victorian Atlas

January, 2004 -- Inventors are of two sorts. The first says: "Here is a principle. How can it be used?" The second says: "Here is a problem

Aug 12, 2010
3 minutes
Cara Ellison défend Atlas

Cara Ellison is one of the very few bloggers who defends fallen businessmen. She is particularly passionate about Enron, where she worked...

Aug 7, 2010
2 minutes
Lives and Lessons for a Museum of Capitalism

July/August 2003 -- While collecting entries for this issue's "Cultural Calendar," my thoughts returned to David Kelley's article "For a

Aug 6, 2010
5 minutes
Entretien avec Charles Murray

Avril 2004 -- Note de la rédaction : Charles Murray est le W.H. Brady Scholar in Culture and Freedom à l'American Enterprise Institute à Washi...

5 août 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
9 minutes
If You Discover Insider Trading, Can You Trade on Your Discovery?

It seems that SMARTS Software , developed in part by Professor Mike Aitken , has now been sold to 150 brokers worldwide who use “its...

Aug 4, 2010
2 minutes
Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment

During the fourth century B.C.—we don't know exactly when—a man, a resident of Athens, a student and teacher of philosophy, changed the worl

Aug 4, 2010
10 minutes
Pourquoi les fans de sport sont-ils si partiaux ?

12 juin 2010 -- Le mois de juin est un mois important pour les amateurs de sport. Les amateurs de tennis ont les Internationaux de France, les amateurs de basket-ball ont les Finales de la NBA et les amateurs de hockey ont les Finales de la NBA et les Finales de la NBA.

3 août 2010
Bradley Doucet
5 minutes
Wyly Update: Insider-Trading Charge Is "Edgy"

I am always surprised to find a report more sympathetic than I am to businessmen facing legal persecution--and when the report comes from

Jul 31, 2010
2 minutes
Why Is Payola Illegal? The Univision Case

It seems that Stanley Kurtz has an interesting book coming out this fall: Radical-in-Chief . Even before publication, it is provoking some

Jul 30, 2010
2 minutes
The Collapse of a Postmodern Corporation

May 2002-- On December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation filed for bankruptcy. With the company's assets then estimated at $62 billion, it was the

Jul 12, 2010
8 minutes
Cassano était-il "l'homme qui a écrasé le monde" ?

AIG. Was Joe Cassano of AIG “the man who crashed the world” as Michael Lewis proclaimed , and as other anti-capitalists such as Gretchen

Jul 11, 2010
2 minutes
Micro-Financing: Profit vs. Altruism

Muhammad Yunus, who founded Bangladesh's Grameen Bank in 1983, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his promotion of micro-financing, and..

Jul 11, 2010
2 minutes
Former KGB Officer Cites Soviet Plan to Sabotage D.C.

KaluginWASHINGTON, D.C. July 9, 2010 — In the mid-1960s the Soviets planted a "sleeper" agent in Washington, D.C. whose main "job" was to "

Jul 10, 2010
2 minutes
Michael Dell Passes the Apple Test

Tom Kirkendall, of the always illuminating “Houston’s Clear Thinkers” blog, writes about the legal troubles at Dell and founder Michael Dell

Jul 8, 2010
3 minutes
Ayn Rand's Anthem: An Appreciation

Equality 7-2521, the hero of Anthem, is twenty-one years old when he escapes to freedom from a totalitarian state. The author of Anthem made

7 juillet 2010
Stephen Cox
10 minutes
Frank Lloyd Wright et Ayn Rand

Jamais religieuse, Ayn Rand était aussi puissamment spirituelle que n'importe quel écrivain ; elle savait parler de façon tout à fait terrestre à ces aspirations...

7 juillet 2010
Peter Reidy
10 minutes
Comprendre les personnages principaux de The Fountainhead

Le roman d'Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, décrit de manière puissante et crédible l'importance de l'intégrité morale dans le maintien de l'indépendance personnelle.

7 juillet 2010
Robert James Bidinotto
3 minutes

Nous promouvons l'objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.