Art et littérature

Art et littérature

Romanticism is Dead! Long Live Romanticism!

January 2002 -- When Victor Hugo was writing his last novel, Ninety-Three, during the years 1872 and 1873, the Naturalist school of fiction

Oct 13, 2010
Michelle Fram-Cohen
10 minutes
Thomas Paine's Influence on Ayn Rand

To my knowledge, Ayn Rand came somewhat independently to her own views. She may have imbibed Paine second-hand through such Old-Right

Sep 30, 2010
2 minutes
Rand and Anna Karenina

Ayn Rand indeed regarded Anna Karenina as her least favorite novel. She presented her negative analysis of Anna Karenina in the article...

29 septembre 2010
Michelle Fram-Cohen
2 minutes
Cato and the Enlightenment Mind

One of the strangest stories in English literature is the rise and fall of Joseph Addison’s Cato, which was first performed in London in....

Sep 19, 2010
Stephen Miller
10 minutes
Individualism Meets Pulp Fiction

Winter 2005 -- I don’t watch TV—we’ve lived more than fifteen years without cable—and I’m not a big fan of film. My personal escape is

8 septembre 2010
Lou Villadsen
8 minutes
Book Review: "Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged"

BOOK REVIEW: Edward W. Younkins, Editor, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: A Philosophical and Literary Companion (Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot

8 septembre 2010
William Thomas
6 minutes
Vandal Chic

July/August 2002 -- Graffiti is metastasizing again throughout New York City. "The guys out here now are destroying us," says Bruce Pienkny

Aug 31, 2010
Heather MacDonald
6 minutes
Charms and Enchantments of Fantasy

The essence of what makes fantasy popular is that it takes the reader out of his normal life into an extraordinary, value-laden, and highly

26 août 2010
Edward Hudgins
7 minutes
Poésie de la liberté

I've gathered for you some poems that celebrate political and personal freedom. I like them, and I hope you will like them, too. This is onl

Aug 19, 2010
John Enright
6 minutes
Vers libres

September 2004 -- As John Enright notes , there is a wealth of poetry about political and personal freedom. I thought Navigator's readers

Aug 19, 2010
4 minutes
A Romantic Manifesto

Those who love Ayn Rand 's novels have searched, with little result, for works that are similar to Rand's in both ideas and essential

Aug 18, 2010
5 minutes
Mozart's Don Giovanni: An Enlightenment Hero?

When I first encountered Don Giovanni 30 years ago, I was struck by the political, social, and philosophical messages in the work...

Aug 13, 2010
John Kerns
10 minutes
Ayn Rand's Anthem: An Appreciation

Equality 7-2521, the hero of Anthem, is twenty-one years old when he escapes to freedom from a totalitarian state. The author of Anthem made

7 juillet 2010
Stephen Cox
10 minutes
Frank Lloyd Wright et Ayn Rand

Jamais religieuse, Ayn Rand était aussi puissamment spirituelle que n'importe quel écrivain ; elle savait parler de façon tout à fait terrestre à ces aspirations...

7 juillet 2010
Peter Reidy
10 minutes
Comprendre les personnages principaux de The Fountainhead

Le roman d'Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, décrit de manière puissante et crédible l'importance de l'intégrité morale dans le maintien de l'indépendance personnelle.

7 juillet 2010
Robert James Bidinotto
3 minutes
Restaurer la gloire : Un atelier d'art de style Renaissance crée une magie moderne

Bill Mensching has aged a painting four hundred years, created a gigantic glass mural for a hotel in Las Vegas, and shipped the makings of..

Jul 3, 2010
Amanda Erickson
5 minutes
The Second Life

But does every man feel like this at forty – I mean it’s like Thomas Wolfe’s New York, his heady light, the stunning plunging canyons...

Jul 3, 2010
Edwin Morgan
2 minutes
La réussite littéraire de The Fountainhead

Six décennies après sa publication, The Fountainhead est toujours bien vivant. Des centaines de nouveaux lecteurs le découvrent chaque jour

30 juin 2010
Stephen Cox
10 minutes
Guide d'étude des fondements : Théorie littéraire

Aristote est à l'origine d'une théorie littéraire qui met l'accent sur les caractéristiques objectives des textes et sur les intentions de l'auteur qui sont à l'origine de ces textes.

3 mai 2010
Stephen Cox
8 minutes
Que considère l'objectivisme comme de l'art (esthétique) ?

L'art est une re-création sélective de la réalité en fonction des jugements de valeur métaphysiques de l'artiste. Le besoin profond de l'homme pour l'art réside dans le fait que

Mar 25, 2010
William Thomas
5 minutes

Nous promouvons l'objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.