Élections et démocratie

Élections et démocratie

L'immigration et la spirale de la mort des Républicains

Le sénateur Lindsay Graham (R-SC) met en garde à juste titre contre la disparition du GOP si son parti ne contribue pas à l'adoption d'une réforme raisonnable de l'immigration.

18 juin 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Les républicains aident la Virginie à évoluer vers les démocrates

L'autodestruction du Parti républicain s'affiche en Virginie alors que le candidat du GOP au poste de lieutenant-gouverneur, E.W. Jackson, cherche...

12 juin 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes
Enterrez le conservatisme confus et compatissant de Bush !

The George W. Bush Presidential Library is ready to open and the former president is giving interviews doubling down on the mantra that

Apr 18, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 minutes
GOP Should Invite Social Conservative Extremists to Leave

Former Arkansas governor and presidential contender Mike Huckabee threatens that if Republicans embrace same-sex marriage and ignore the....

Apr 4, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes
Inauguration d'Obama : La célébration de l'asservissement

L'investiture du président Barack Obama pour son second mandat s'est déroulée le jour de l'anniversaire de Martin Luther King, la main de M. Obama...

22 janvier 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 minutes
Rubio, GOP Stumbling Away from Creationist Nonsense

Religious fundamentalists in the Republican Party scare away sensible voters when they inject their superstitions into public forums

Dec 4, 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Les utilisateurs d'InTrade paient le prix de la réglementation

For a moment, it was exciting: InTrade seemed to be shrugging. Yesterday, U.S. regulators sued InTrade —and InTrade responded by requiring

Nov 27, 2012
3 minutes
The Fourth GOP Debate: Sounding a Small Techno-Future Note

The fourth GOP presidential primary debate is worth noting in part because Marco Rubio sounded a note on the topic of our techno-future

Nov 10, 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Fighting for Freedom Against Reelected Obama

Barack Obama’s reelection victory, with a narrow popular vote margin, does not constitute a mandate for his future policies; he didn’t...

Nov 7, 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Christian-Liberty Alliance RIP

Tea-party and pro-economic liberty advocates in the Republican Party supported the nomination of Richard Mourdouck in Indiana and Todd Akin

Nov 7, 2012
1 Min
Yes, Mr. President, Ayn Rand Is for Teens -- and Everyone Else

Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we..

Oct 26, 2012
Alexander R. Cohen
4 minutes
Romney bat Obama au premier tour du débat

C'était la bataille des costumes bleus, le premier round des débats présidentiels. Il n'y a pas eu de gaffe majeure, ni de KO absolu. Les experts

4 octobre 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 minutes
Romney and Cheating China

Mitt Romney is running several TV ads that call China a cheater when it comes to trade. But the GOP presidential candidate is cheating his

4 octobre 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Obama Takes Refuge as a Scoundrel

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" said Samuel Johnson. Well, not always. But President Obama has placed himself squarely in

Oct 2, 2012
Edward Hudgins
2 minutes
Le gouverneur Christie frappe les dépensiers trompés

Avez-vous déjà vu quelqu'un se laisser entraîner par l'alcool, la drogue, le jeu ou une autre obsession et détruire sa famille et ses amis ? Vous avez déjà voulu voir...

30 août 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
Aaron Day
2 minutes
Why Liberals Should Like Ayn Rand

If you are liberal, you want people to be treated as people. You're against racism and against sexism. You are in favor of more immigration

Aug 20, 2012
2 minutes
Paul Ryan's Objective Virtues

Now that Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president on the GOP ticket, Ryan’s plan for dealing with the

Aug 11, 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 minutes

Nous promouvons l'objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.