

Apprendre la liberté

Elle se tenait sur un banc de neige, la main tendue et des décennies d'espoir. Il avait neigé pendant sept jours d'affilée et des congères d'un mètre de haut tapissaient le sol.

26 juillet 2011
Sarah Perry
Of Courage Undaunted

In the new year of 1803, America consisted of sixteen states. There were no prairie dogs or grizzly bears. No jackrabbits or bighorn sheep..

30 mai 2011
Russell La Valle
6 minutes
The Enlightenment Spirit of Edward Jenner

The scourge of smallpox is ancient—Pharaoh Ramses V is thought to have died of the illness in 1157 B.C. Yet smallpox did not become a major

30 mai 2011
6 minutes
Voici Bob Barr

Editor’s Note: Bob Barr’s wide-ranging career has spanned law and politics, and multiple roles, including CIA analyst (1971-1978)..

30 mai 2011
Lance Lamberton
10 minutes
I Changed Careers After Reading Atlas Shrugged

I changed careers and philosophies after reading Atlas Shrugged. I read it when I was 28 years old. At that time I was asking questions such

Apr 26, 2011
John Davis
3 minutes
Steve Walton is Flying High

Spring 2011 -- Steve Walton may well owe his big break to a Saudi prince. In 1996, Walton, a former naval officer, took a position on the

19 avril 2011
Amanda Erickson
3 minutes
A River Ran Through It

Spring 2011 -- THE WATER began swallowing Susan Lemaster’s home at 2 a.m. July 22. She was sleeping when her 27-year-old daughter, trembling

12 avril 2011
Sarah Perry
10 minutes
Charles Tomlinson's Wonderful Life

January/February 2005 -- Charles Tomlinson, a long-time supporter of The Atlas Society (publisher of The New Individualist), died Tuesday...

30 mars 2011
William Perry
3 minutes
Roger Donway : Un hommage

Je ne peux pas prendre la barre de ce magazine sans d'abord rendre hommage au timonier qui l'a dirigé jusqu'à présent, et avec tant de justesse.

30 mars 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
5 minutes
Tracey Ross: TV

How many Objectivists are there among television actresses? Well, there is one for sure: Tracey Ross of NBC’s popular soap opera “Passions.

29 mars 2011
John Berlau
7 minutes
Brava Madeleine !

Mars 2006 -- En mars, j'ai été stupéfait d'apprendre la mort inattendue d'une remarquable individualiste et amie, Madeleine Pelner Cosman.

29 mars 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
3 minutes
Tom Wolfe : Iconoclaste américain

Tom Wolfe est l'un des observateurs contemporains les plus originaux, les plus honnêtes et les plus libres de la culture américaine. À l'origine du "New

28 mars 2011
Marsha Enright
10 minutes
TNI's Interview with "Jihad Watcher" Robert Spencer

The institutionalized discrimination against women and religious minorities, the denial of the freedom of conscience, the deeply rooted

17 mars 2011
Kyrel Zantonavitch
5 minutes
Revue de livres : L'héritage d'un géant intellectuel

Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand share the distinction of being the leading voices for individual freedom and the market economy during the....

15 mars 2011
Edward W. Younkins
9 minutes
Sidebar: David Kelley, Screenplay Advisor

My chief role on this script—as on scripts from previous projects—was to review the script before it was finalized and flag anything

Feb 23, 2011
4 minutes
Considérez la source : Le procureur américain Preet Bharara

Earlier, I mentioned that accusation —of “rampant” insider trading—in connection with a sweeping new prosecution that has been launched by

Dec 14, 2010
5 minutes
Hellhound on His Trail

Hampton was 6 when his hometown snapped. His father worked for the Memphis law firm that represented King when the civil rights leader led..

Dec 13, 2010
Noah Bunn
10 minutes
The Embattled Life of Moreau de Maupertuis

Those who love the Enlightenment spirit are sometimes tempted to believe that it engendered fraternity among the age's disciples. And to an

Oct 22, 2010
9 minutes
From Ocean to Ocean

When Ayn Rand created a heroic American dynasty for her novel Atlas Shrugged , she based the family's fortune not on oil, or autos, or

18 octobre 2010
Frank Bryan
9 minutes
What Objectivists Can Learn from Young Jim Hill

November 1999 -- Objectivists too often reduce the life and achievement of James J. Hill to a single debating point: He built a

28 septembre 2010
8 minutes

Nous promouvons l'objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.