The major German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote that the debt-ceiling battle in Washington had a “civil war atmosphere.” But the war...
The major German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote that the debt-ceiling battle in Washington had a “civil war atmosphere.” But the war...
Le monde d'Atlas Shrugged est un monde dans lequel la réglementation gouvernementale, la fiscalité et le contrôle pur et simple des moyens de production ont grignoté les ressources de la société.
There are people whom you have known or met who have a powerful quality to them; they know themselves, they seem comfortable in their own...
En période de difficultés économiques, de nombreuses personnes se voient contraintes de réduire leurs plaisirs. Les difficultés financières peuvent se traduire par un changement de mode de vie.
Summer 2011 issue -- On May 11, after the trial of Galleon hedge-fund founder Raj Rajaratnam (pictured below) had ended in a conviction on
Elle se tenait sur un banc de neige, la main tendue et des décennies d'espoir. Il avait neigé pendant sept jours d'affilée et des congères d'un mètre de haut tapissaient le sol.
How does your book differ from those of so many other conservative social critics out there? One can think of Mark Steyn, Roger Kimball...
How can we judge how we are doing in life? Most people look to society as a guage. For example, we might look to our pay and our prestige...
Editor's note: The following article is adapted from "Professional Heroes," a talk given by Gordon Stubley at the 1997 Atlas Society Summer
Il y a trente ans, Steve Mariotti a décidé de faire un jogging au bord de la rivière. Il en était à environ un kilomètre, près de l'endroit où son immeuble Wall.... est situé.
Ce n'est un secret pour personne que Michael Moore déteste la liberté économique ; le thème de son film Capitalism : Une histoire d'amour est que le marché libre est mauvais...
July 4, 2008 -- July 4, the anniversary of the birth of the United States, is a good time to remember the vision of this country. But to
The December of 1989 marked the end of one of the most extraordinary six months of the century....
I first visited West Berlin in June 1981. I took the closed American military train through the 112-mile-long corridor through....
James Cameron’s new film Avatar is loaded with fresh, eye-popping special effects, all in a new, cutting-edge 3-D that sets the standard....
Understanding evolution has helped us satisfy that quintessential human longing expressed by Aristotle: “All men, by nature, desire to....
18 mars 2005 -- La semaine dernière, Mukhtar Mai, une femme pakistanaise, a exprimé sa crainte que les quatre hommes qui l'ont violée collectivement il y a près de trois ans ne se soient rendus coupables d'un crime contre l'humanité.
August 28, 2009 -- Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty seemed silent and secretive about acting in the self-interest of his own children. As
On August 25, 1609 Galileo first demonstrated the telescope to Venetian officials and then proceeded to point it at the night skies in order