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The Atlas Society Chats

Look for our The Atlas Society Chats on your favorite podcast app to listen anytime, anywhere.

David Kelley - Induction and Deduction

June 30, 2022
Join our founder, David Kelley, Ph.D. for a special discussion in which Dr. Kelley will clarify the logical distinction in these modes of inference, addressing some common errors, and then illustrate how the distinction applies to the philosophy of Objectivism.

Jason Hill - Why Government Schools Are Vessels of Evil

23 juin 2022
Join Senior Scholar Jason Hill, Ph.D for a discussion on the moral bankruptcy of government schooling.

Le capitalisme des parties prenantes est fasciste

23 juin 2022
Le modèle du "capitalisme des parties prenantes", une contradiction dans les termes, est en train de remplacer rapidement le modèle du capitalisme actionnarial (une redondance). Le modèle des parties prenantes implique que de nombreux groupes de pression (y compris des politiciens et des régulateurs) dictent aux entreprises ce qu'elles doivent faire, en particulier si cette action est moins rationnelle, moins rentable et contraire aux objectifs des actionnaires. Une désignation apparentée, "ESG", est une version américaine naissante du système chinois de crédit social. Alors que le capitalisme implique à la fois la propriété privée et le contrôle des moyens de production, le fascisme implique la propriété privée mais le contrôle public ; ce dernier est l'essence même du stakeholder-ism.

L'Atlas Society interroge Ian Miller

June 22, 2022
From the beginning of the pandemic, Ian Miller has been an independent voice, questioning the efficacy not just of lockdowns and mask mandates, but also the efficacy of masks themselves. In his new book, Unmasked: The Global Failure of Covid Mask Mandates he shares his findings, many of which are regularly discussed in his Unmasked Substack column

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything About Capitalism

June 16, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he takes questions about capitalism and free markets from the audience and our 64K Instagram audience.

L'Atlas Society interroge Marsha Familaro Enright

June 15, 2022
Join our founder Dr. David Kelley and Marsha Familaro Enright on the 108th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where they will discuss Marsha's history with Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Don't miss it as they also discuss Montessori education and Marsha's new educational initiative Reliance College.

Jason Hill - Ayn Rand on Civil Disobedience: A Critical Assessment

June 10, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Jason Hill, Ph.D for a discussion of Ayn Rand’s views on civil disobedience.

L'Atlas Society interroge Rachel Ferguson

June 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Professor Rachel Ferguson on the 107th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where they'll discuss Ferguson's co-authored book "Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America" which applies a classical liberal lens to how both the violation of property rights and failed paternalism have contributed to deep injustices against Black Americans, while also celebrating Black entrepreneurs who’ve overcome tremendous obstacles to create flourishing businesses and communities.

Robert Tracinski - Is Religion Necessary for a Free Society?

June 7, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski where he takes questions while addressing the questions: Do we need to have religious morality in order to have a free society? Does secular liberalism sow the seeds of its own destruction?

Richard Salsman - Why "Stakeholder Capitalism" Is Fascistic

June 2, 2022
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a special discussion on Clubhouse about “Stakeholder Capitalism”—what it is and why it is inherently a fascistic system.

L'Atlas Society interroge Spencer Jakab

June 1, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and award-winning financial journalist Spencer Jakab for the 106th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as they discuss his book "The Revolution that wasn't: GameStop, Reddit, and the Fleecing of Small Investors" which explains the riveting story behind the January 2021 GameStop/Meme stock event that rocked some of the biggest, richest players in the investment world. View Full Transcript Episode

Robert Tracinski - Ask Me Anything May 2022

May 31, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he will field your questions on Objectivism, foreign policy, politics, culture, and music.

Jason Hill - A Moral Defense of Elitism and Meritocracy Part 2

May 27, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar, Professor Jason Hill for Part 2 of a special 2-part discussion on Elitism and Meritocracy and how higher values are threatened by the crassness of today’s culture.

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything May 2022

26 mai 2022
Join our Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he will be taking questions from YOU and our 64K Instagram followers on Objectivism, monetary policy, politics, etc.

Les sanctions économiques sont-elles toujours défendables ?

26 mai 2022
De nombreux pays ont récemment imposé des sanctions économiques à la Russie. Ces sanctions sont-elles appropriées ? Efficace ? Dans "Les racines de la guerre" (1966), Ayn Rand affirme que "l'essence de la politique étrangère du capitalisme est le libre-échange - c'est-à-dire l'abolition des barrières commerciales, des tarifs protecteurs, des privilèges spéciaux - l'ouverture des routes commerciales du monde au libre échange international et à la concurrence entre les citoyens privés de tous les pays qui traitent directement les uns avec les autres". Mais elle s'est également opposée au commerce des États-Unis avec les ennemis jurés et mortels de l'Amérique (par exemple, l'URSS). Au cours de cette session, nous examinerons si/quand les sanctions économiques sont justifiées et leurs effets typiques (en bien ou en mal). Comme les mesures protectionnistes, les sanctions font souvent plus de mal à celui qui les impose qu'à celui qui les subit.

Modern Art & The Buffalo Shooter's Manifesto - Current Events with Hicks and Tracinski

25 mai 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for the 105th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as they discuss current events in how we should understand art and the process of creation along with an Objectivist perspective on the recent Buffalo shooter and his manifesto.

Robert Tracinski - Schismatology

May 24, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski where he will be answering the questions: Why is the Objectivist movement so famously fractious? Why does it keep having bitter breaks and schisms? What can be done about this, and how should we deal with our internal disagreements?

Jason Hill - A Moral Defense of Elitism and Meritocracy Part 1

May 20, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar, Professor Jason Hill for Part 1 of a special 2-part discussion on Elitism and Meritocracy and how higher values are threatened by the crassness of today’s culture.

David Kelley - Ask Me Anything - May 2022

19 mai 2022
Join our founder, Dr. David Kelley for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where David Kelley takes questions from the audience and our 64K Instagram followers on philosophy, politics, Objectivism, and more.

L'Atlas Society interroge Jason Brennan

17 mai 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and philosopher and business professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University Jason Brennan on the 104th episode of The Altas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss philosophy, economics, the problem with third parties in America and Why it's OK to Want to Be Rich. View Full Transcript Epis

Robert Tracinski - What Drives History?

17 mai 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on the Objectivist view of what drives history, asking the questions: how do we trace the power of ideas? And is Ayn Rand’s theory of history adequate to explain the facts?

Nous promouvons l'objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.