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Cinq questions d'Ayn Rand à Michael Newberry

Cinq questions d'Ayn Rand à Michael Newberry

June 4, 2016


1) Dites-nous qui vous êtes et ce que vous faites.

I grew up on the beach and have been an artist ever since. I’m a figurative artist and my work explores light, love, and appreciation.

2) Quand avez-vous découvert Ayn Rand et ses œuvres ?

When I was 19, my sister Janet—a world top-20 tennis player—told me she had a book I needed to read. That book was Atlas Shrugged.

3) Qu'est-ce qui vous a le plus intéressé ou frappé d'un "Ah hah !" dans la pensée de Rand ?

I felt like Rand was giving me a pat on the back for being an artist. She has a very high regard for artists. It was like she was saying to me: “You’re doing a great job; keep going.”

4) En quoi son travail vous inspire-t-il aujourd'hui ?

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She’s a great champion of creators. Rand’s work is a reminder that it’s the creation that matters the most, not superficial things. That is inspiring.

5) Rand voulait que nous aspirions à un monde tel qu'il peut et doit être. Pouvez-vous nous dire quelque chose d'optimiste que vous voyez dans le monde d'aujourd'hui ou de demain ?

What a great question! When I started my career, there were only a handful of figurative artists and they were not held in esteem. Now there are thousands upon thousands of exceptionally good artists who’ve paid their dues and really learned all the skillsets to create incredible figurative works. This is a huge, monumental development and I think Rand helped to set the stage for it.

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Explorer :

Michael Newberry, “New Romanticism.” (Video) 2013.

Stephen Hicks, “Why Art Became Ugly.” June 15, 2010.

About the author:
Art et littérature
Les idées et l'influence d'Ayn Rand